Welcome to Pong Arena! This exciting game of yesteryear begins when you, the Ponger, selects whether you wish to play against a human, the computer, or play two humans against the computer. All three ways will further enhance your skills as a world champion Ponger! "Welcome to Pong Arena" echoes through the stadium, signalling the beginning of another Powerpong match! SETUP NOTICE Make sure your current directory is the directory containing the necessary datafiles for this game! Use the CD command if necessary. This program does NOT multitask. CONTROL Control of your paddle is done with the joystick. Pressing the button while moving causes the paddle to speed up. Plus, if the ball strikes the paddle while the button is held down, the speed of the ball will also accelerate. Finally, if the ball hits the paddle while the paddle is moving, the ball will ricochet in a random direction. SCORING If the ball hits the wall behind your opponents paddle you will score three points. If the ball lands in the area outlined by two dark floor markings (in the center) you will get a bonus of 2 points. +--------------------------+ points |3 3| points |-- o --| points |5 <- -> 5| points |-- o --| points |3 3| points +--------------------------+ POWERGOALS! If both bumpers located in the middle of the screen are lit up in your color AND you score within the 5 point range, a bonus of 2 points will be awarded. The announcer (Kevmo!) will signal the bonus by declaring a "Powergoal!" For the left side, the bumpers must both be yellow. For the right side, the bumpers must both be purple. That's it! The game is over when the timepoints in the middle of the scoreboard reach zero! (Each timepoint lasts about 5 seconds) ENDING NOTE I have played all 5 levels of the computer, and I can beat the first 4. I have yet to beat level 5, so if you can do it, call yourself the PONG CHAMPION!! (I just played level 1, and I beat him 48-0) I have MANY plans for this simple, yet entertaining game. Please keep a lookout for new updates, and send me some dough if you would like me to send you the new updates DIRECTLY!! Wow, whadda service. Send at least $3 if you want further updates. And a copy of Buckets & Bandits, a clone of the ever-popular "Kaboom!" game from the Atari 2600 Send more if your just generous! Kevin (Kevmo) Sheller 390 Allen Dr. Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 P.S. I whipped this game up in 2 days time. Just think if I actually spent more on it!! Wow...far out man. NOTE: Software Distributors: This is just a sample of my work. If you are interested in seeing my other projects, write or call me at 216-336-4418. My NET Address is: Kevins@file02.ecgf.uakron.edu v1.1 Notes: A few bugs were fixed: - The game play had a tendency to end up battling on the top of the screen. Now, the whole field is usually used equally. - You can now abort the program by pressing Q at the selection screen. (But who would ever want to end POWERPONG?????) - The computer will try to hit the ball with the center of his paddle instead of the top. - Level 1 should be easier to beat for those poor unponged beginners.